Savor the Season Bag Silver


Quick Overview

Silver bag is same as Bronze only more items.  This bag is good for couples or small families. Plenty of food to cook for 5+ days.  These bags give our customers the option of cooking meals over 1 week. They are great for making dishes that give you plenty of leftovers for lunch or tomorrow night’s dinner.

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Savor the Season, is our name for a bag/box of food.  Our bag contains the following:

Apples (3 varieties) 12 apples

Red beets 3

Kitchen carrots 3

Greens (Kale) 2 bunch

Collard greens 1 bunch

Salad (Vibriant blend) 1 each

Broccoli Crowns (3)

Sweet Potatoes (5)

Crimini Mushrooms

Portabella Mushrooms

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