Savor the Season picture does not represent the actual items in the bag/box. These bags represent 12 different items (3 varieties of apples) in each. Some items may not be available when your bag is being built. A replace of like item will be substituted. For example, we only have 2 types of apples. Your bag will have 9 apples of those 2 types. another example, if we are out of Vibrant Greens you might get another bunch of Kale.
Out of stock
Savor the Season, is our name for a bag/box of food. Each bag contains the following:
Apples (3 varieties) 9
Greens (collards) 1 bunch
Kale 1 bunch
Salad (Vibrant Greens) 1
Broccoli Crowns (2)
Sweet Potatoes (3)
Carrots (2)
Beets (2)
Brussels Sprouts 1 bag
Mushrooms 1 bag
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FarmacyRVA strives to provide busy customers like you with quick access to locally produced goods and fresh, locally harvested farm produce from nearby farms.
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